
tax | law | advice

Advising innovative businesses and their investors since 2020.

That’s right, we’re the new kids on the block. The world saw a lot of change in 2020. Face to face no longer means in the same room. Technology has changed the way we do business and it’s about time.

We’re a new firm, building on a wealth of expertise. 20 years of experience in tax law and innovation has taught us a lot. Our firm specialises in tax law and advice. We won’t just tell you what the law is, we’ll work with you to help you understand how best to navigate the complex world of tax and law to reach the goals you set for yourself and your business.

Businesses that we support are typically owned by a small number of people and the business makes up a substantial part of their personal wealth. We always look at things in that context, rather than looking at the business and the personal positions separately.


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VCT status confirmation request*

* for VCT fund managers only.

Areas of Practice



The tax breaks to help companies attract investment are as complex as they are generous. We help some of the UK’s most active investment funds navigate these waters and also advise a wide range of private investors on the advantages of matching their income and gains with qualifying investments.

“My property is my pension.” We hear that a lot, but if your property isn’t in a pension, you’re missing a trick - tax free growth in the value of the property and tax free rental income. With a SSAS pension, you can also borrow up to 50% of the value of your pension when your company needs extra working capital. It is a smart part of any family wealth plan. A lot of business owners believe they can make more money by investing in their own business than by investing on stock markets. Well, by making loans from your pension to your business, you can do exactly that, tax free. is how we’ve reimagined R&D tax claims. Instead of outsourcing the entire process to external consultants, our software platform puts the company making the claim in the driving seat. Seeing the value of the claim in-year (rather than after the accounts are prepared) gives businesses the financial information they need when they need it.

“We must all obey the great law of change.

It is the most powerful law of nature.”

– Edmund Burke

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